
This week in class we have been learning about: In geography we compared hot and cold deserts. In PE we continued to create and perform a sequence with control. In Science, we continued to conduct an investigation centred around ‘suitable’ materials. In maths we introduced ‘division’ and begin to look at the 2 times table. We also attended a portraits workshop at Ferens Art Gallery and had an amazing time looking at lots of different pieces of art.

Our Flashback 4 questions have been:

  1. How do we know if a piece of art is a portrait?
  2. Can we share 30 into 2 equal groups?
  3. What are the similarities of hot and cold deserts?
  4. What do plants need in order to grow?

Next week we will be learning about: In geography we will be finalising our knowledge on hot and cold deserts going over everything we’ve learnt so far. In PE we will continue to create and perform a sequence with control. In Science, we will create our key piece which is a write up on our investigation centred around ‘suitable’ materials. In maths we will begin to look at the 5 times table. In Art we will be creating our final portrait introducing paint and using different shades and tones of one colour.

In Phonics: most of the children are now learning the Set 3 sounds (see sound mats in bookbags to support your child with their learning). Please continue to read and change their books regularly.

PE Days: our days are Monday and Wednesday.

Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is DT- Structures and Materials Year 2 Graduate Awards - Keyingham Primary

Book Bags: please send your child with their books on a Monday to be changed for the week. Please read the book several times until they are fluent and no longer sounding out all the words.