
This week in Year 3, we have been reading ‘Code Name Bananas’ by David Walliams. Colonel Batter tried to shoot Gertrude but she ran away and hid in the zoo shop. Uncle Sid and Eric found her and got her back in the cage but Sir Frederick Frown said that Gertrude had to be put down. Uncle Sid got sack and Eric returned home to find his house had been bombed. Granny was gone. Eric ran away from police and jumped off London Bridge to get away from them. Then he went to find Uncle Sid so they could save Gertrude.


This week in Year 3, we have been learning how to make stained glass windows out of natural materials – watch this space for the finished articles. In Geography we have been learning about maps and the symbols that are used on them, as well as why Keyingham has lots of farmland. In Maths, we have been multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers – it has been quite tricky! A definite challenge. We also looked again at ‘The Colour Monster’ story and now we are using the emotion jars to show how we are feeling when we are at school.


Next week in Year 3, we will be asking questions like ‘Can I sew more than one type of stitch?’ and ‘Can I add detail, texture and shape to my work?’ as we start our art project based on a significant Keyingham landmark.