This week in year 1, we have been reading Eddie’s Garden by Sarah Garland and we have learnt how to recycle items like old wellies for plant pots.
In maths, we have been ordering numbers within 50 by comparing the tens and ones. We also count in 2s, 5s and 10s so that we can recall these facts rapidly and complete weekly tests in these. We can practise these further at home by watching and singing the songs on these links: Count by 5's | Exercise and Count By 5 | Count to 100 | Counting Songs | Jack Hartmann - YouTube, Count Together by 10's | Counting Workout for Kids | Jack Hartmann Counting by 10s - YouTube and Counting by 2s - YouTube We were lucky enough to have an extra PE lesson this week delivered by a curriculum expert who taught us how to roll and bounce balls correctly (see picture) and in our normal PE lesson we learnt how to jump like a gymnast. In Music, we enjoyed learning a song about being happy with Mrs Overton. We have also continued to learn facts about Amy Johnson and have learnt what a biography and some of us have even written biographies about her.
Next week in Year 1 we will be asking: What do plants need to stay healthy?