This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by letting people join in with our games when they have no one to play with. Our wellbeing ambassadors discussed how to tell people where they can go if they want a friend or someone to talk to.
This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by taking part in cross-country running with a visiting teacher from Withernsea High School. Lots of us didn’t give up and tried our best. We also showed courage in our weekly arithmetic test as we are trying to increase our average score.
This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by asking different questions when we were outside during outdoor learning day. We were looking at angles in Maths and we went outside to see how many different types of angles there were on the school grounds. We also, in Science, investigated how many different types of seeds we could find and our results were there were 7 different types.
Next week, we will be completing a cold task in writing to see how much we have progressed so far since starting in Year 5. In Maths, we are going to be carrying on with our Addition and Subtraction unit of work including looking at the inverse operation. In the afternoons, our main focus is going to be completing our hyper-realistic portrait sketches in Art. We will also be continuing our work on celebrating differences in Jigsaw.