
This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by supporting each other through all of our lessons, helping adults with handing out resources and by encouraging each other during our Wizard of Oz performances.

This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by standing in front of all the other children in school and our parents/families to perform Wizard of Oz as part of our dance work this term. Even though we had nerves at times, we composed ourselves and performed admirably.

This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity in Science by completing our unit of work on Reversible and Irreversible changes. We set up an investigation involving water, salt and food colouring to try and reverse the process of dissolving and see if we can get the salt back in the form of crystals. We have focused on the scientific enquiry skill of ‘Observing over time’ and checked on the progress each day.

Next week in Year 5 will be our final week together as a Year 5 class. We will be completing our work on Measures in Maths and exploring a song and its lyrics in our Reading lessons. Writing will look a bit different as we will be completing some grammar tasks and using the time to complete our Geography work. In the afternoons, we will be reviewing our Jigsaw work in Year 5 as well as completing a ‘Top Tips’ infographic for the new Year 5s. We will also work on an Art task to commemorate our time in Year 5 as well as a few other tasks to finish off our time in this class.