
This week we had our Hairspray dance performance, which we thought went great! We enjoyed the music and having some solo performances as well. In Jigsaw this week, we were asking, “What are the correct, scientific names for our body parts?” and we learned about how life beings in the uterus/womb and that we need love and affection to grow and develop. We also reflected on our year in Year 3 and discussed how we were feeling and what we were looking forward to. Most of us were excited for the new things we get to learn in Year 4, particularly to Art and DT lessons, even though some of us are feeling a bit nervous. Our best memories in Year 3 have been: the school trip to York to visit the National Railway Museum and Wonderlab, competing in the triathlon, being with Miss Heppleston, designing and making clay tiles in Art, using maps in Geography, making starburst rocks in Science, building bridges in DT and cooking popcorn, fruity yogurt and chips in DT.