
This week in class we have been asking....

How can I make sure that I do my best to help the KS2 dance performance be the best it can be? Can I learn my lines for our part in the Romeo and Juliet performance at Hull Truck Theatre? What are the most efficient ways to add and subtract decimal numbers? Will I be able to show what I have learnt in the post assessments for History, Science and Computing? Can I use a real life database on the internet to answer questions?

Our 'Flash Back 4' questions were...

N/A – Dance Performance

Next week we will be asking....

Can I efficiently add and subtract decimal numbers with different decimal places? What do I need to help me multiply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000? How much do I already know about Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling? How much have I increased my lexile level by on Reading Eggspress? Do I know what a scientist looks like and do I know the different careers you can go into that use science? Am I ready to move into Year 6?

Our spelling rule next week will be ‘A mix of Year 5/6 Spelling Rule Words’ including a wide range of words.


Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is …..

Maths - Pythagoras


REMEMBER: PE is every Monday and Tuesday