
This week, in class, we have been asking, “what features are needed in a non-chronological report?” We included: pronouns, subtitles, paragraphs, titles, commas for list, subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions, all about the three different types of rocks we learned about in science: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. In reading, we have learned what’s below our feet. We found soil made out of water, dead plants and animals and air. We also found skeletons and other ancient artefacts, which an archaeologist can use to find out about the past. In our reading pledge, we’ve finished ‘The night we got stuck in a story.” The two main characters, Lana and Harrison, had to save the golden diving spiders from being destroyed by developers, who were going to tear down their tree habitat. Lana overthrew the evil spider queen and saved her brother Harrison.

Our “Flashback 4” questions this week were:

1.What is a wireless access point?

2.What is and anthropic and conglomerate rock?

3.What countries make up the United Kingdom?

4.How is the Christian Bible organised?

After half term, we’ll be asking, “When did the world begin?” and “How do we see?”

Our spelling rule next week is “ue‘’ sounding words: popular, regular, few, pursue, unicycle, unique, united, evacuate, vacuum, neutral, stew, chew

Next week, our PE days are Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor)