
This week in class we have been asking….

Can I use all the features needed to write a news report? What will help me when I need to round decimal numbers? How do I add and subtract decimals? What happens when you multiply decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000? What do I need to ensure I remember when I am completing all of my end of term key pieces? Can I take a pre-made game on Scratch and modify the programming to turn it into my own version?

Next Term we will be asking....

Can we use Year 6 writing skills to write a balanced discussion about the Vikings, a letter of application and a first person moral story? In Maths, how do we solve problems involving: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Area, Perimeter and Volume and Statistics? How do we create and use spreadsheets in Computing? Can we further classify living things in Science? How do I ensure I keep myself healthy? Why do people ‘move’ to different places? How do we create structures that don’t fall down? What do philosophers teach us about life’s purpose?

Our spelling rule for the first week after half term will be Words ending with the ‘g’ sound spelt ‘gue’ and the ‘k’ sound spelt –que


antique, boutique, catalogue, critique, fatigue, grotesque, intrigue, league, picturesque, plague, technique, tongue, unique, vague

Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is …..

Music https://www.keyinghamprimaryschool.co.uk/attachments/download.asp?file=596&type=pdf

REMEMBER: PE next week is Monday and Thursda