
This week in class we have been asking: in geography, what are the names of the countries of the UK? In science, what material is a hat made of and what are its properties? In RE, what is good about the natural world? In Jigsaw, what is a goal? In computing, what is data? In writing, what can I do to help me to write a co0mplete sentence? In maths, how many tens are in all of the numbers from 11 to 19?

Our Flashback 4 Questions have been:

1. Today: In Maths, how many tens are in the numbers 11, 12 and 13?

2. This/last week: In science, how are we able to see the

moon in the sky?

3. This term: In Science, why is fabric a good material for a hat?

4. Last term: In RE, why is Christmas so important to Christians?

Next term, we will be asking:

In Phonics: we are now learning the Set 3 sounds (see sound mats in bookbags to support your child with their learning).

PE Days: our days are Monday and Wednesday

Book Bags: please send your child with their books on a Monday to be changed for the week. I have now included the book they have been reading in their Phonics lesson and they can choose a ‘free reader’ from the classroom as well as their reading book so they have extra to read. If you think they need extra time to become fluent with their Phonics books, then please keep them longer.