This week in class we have been asking: in geography, what are the capital cities of the 4 counties of the United Kingdom (UK)? In science, why are books made of paper and tables made of wood? In RE, who do Christians believe made the world? In Jigsaw, what goal can I set for myself and how will I feel when I achieve that goal? In computing, when I put objects into groups, what names should I choose? In Maths, which way am I counting when I find 1 more or 1 less than a number? In PE, why is good posture important in gymnastics? In music, what is rhythm?
Our Flashback 4 Questions have been:
- Today: In writing, what adjective could complete the sentence?
It was a ____________________ day.
2. This/last week: In PE, show me what good posture means.
3. This term: In Jigsaw, what does it mean to set yourself a goal? And what goals have you set yourself?
4. Last term: In Science, name all of the seasons in order and describe the weather.
Next term, we will be asking: in Geography, what is an urban area and do we live in one? In RE, how many days do Christians believe it took for God to create the world? In Art, who was Charles McGee and what does his art look like? In Jigsaw, what can I do to work well with a partner?
In Phonics: most of the children are now learning the Set 3 sounds (see sound mats in bookbags to support your child with their learning). Please continue to read and change their books regularly.
PE Days: our days are Monday and Wednesday
Book Bags: please send your child with their books on a Monday to be changed for the week. Please spend the week reading the three books that the children now have in their bags.