This week in class we have been learning: in Geography, what is an urban area and do we live in one? In RE, how many days do Christians believe it took for God to create the world? In Art, who was Charles McGee and what does his art look like? In Jigsaw, what can I do to work well with a partner? In writing, what do I need to start ever sentence with? In maths, which number is greater; 1 ten and 6 ones or 14?
Our Flashback 4 Questions have been:
- Today: In writing, what word could replace ran?
2. This/last week: In geography, name a type of building you might
find in an urban area.
3. This term: In RE, who do Christians believe make the world? How long do they think it took him?
4. Last term: In history, what can we look at to find out about the past?
Next week, we will be asking: I geography, what is a rural area and do we live in one? In science, why are some objects made from different materials? In Jigsaw, what can I do when my learning stretches me? In PE, how can I move my body lose to the ground?
In Phonics: most of the children are now learning the Set 3 sounds (see sound mats in bookbags to support your child with their learning). Please continue to read and change their books regularly.
PE Days: our days are Monday and Wednesday
Book Bags: please send your child with their books on a Monday to be changed for the week. Please spend the week reading the three books that the children now have in their bags.
In Maths this week we have used the Numbots programme for the first time to support our learning. Your child is coming home with their login details so that they can enjoy using it at home as well. You just need to search for Numbots and then type in the school name and then use their login details.