We originally started this page in September 2020 to answer parent queries about returning to school. In this current National Lockdown, we will continue to update these FAQs regularly in partnership with our families. We try to be as thorough as possible in answering any questions you may have but, as ever, if you have any further queries or need clarification on any issues, please email us on admin@keyinghamprimary.co.uk and we will add them to the FAQ.
Thank you and stay safe,
Mrs White
UPDATED 14.01.2021
Can I send my child to school?
You can send your child in to school if one of their parents or carers is a key worker. Further guidance on who falls in to these categories can be found here. Please be aware that the provision for children in school is full time (FS2 to Year 6). FS1 provision for the children of key workers will be their usual hours.
If you feel that your child falls into the category of 'vulnerable child', please message us on the School Gateway app to let us know and a member of staff will be in touch to inform you of availability.
Do both parents have to be key workers?
No. You can send your child in to school if one of their parents or carers is a key worker
Are school dinners available?
Yes. We are still able to offering 2 options a day.
If you would like to view the menu or book a dinner for your child please do this through the school gateway app.
Will my child be in a bubble with their teacher and friends?
We do try to ensure your child is with their class and teacher however due to the limited bubble space your child may have to go into a different class if your year group bubble is full.
Are Friday’s afternoons still PPA , meaning an earlier finish in school?
We will continue to use Friday afternoons to provide staff PPA during this time to protect staff health and safety and so all children will access blended learning from home at this time. On Friday’s collection is 1:00pm.
Are the start and end times the same?
The start and end times/procedures for the school day will remain the same as before Christmas.
Can my child wear a jumper/hoodie that isn’t school uniform in case they are cold?
Due to keeping the doors and windows open to ventilate the rooms if your child would like to wear a jumper/hoodie over the top of their school uniform they can do.
UPDATED 11.11.2020
How frequently is the school cleaned?
Since March, the school has been under an enhanced cleaning schedule. This process is reviewed regularly and we also respond to advice from the government. Currently, the schedule includes a full clean of all contact areas on a daily basis , regular 'touch point' cleaning sessions throughout the day, all staff and pupils regularly wash/clean their hands, every classroom and workspace has a designated cleaning station with appropriate cleaning resources and, during the current period of national lockdown, we are using Friday afternoons for a deep clean session.
Are staff working across bubbles?
We have adapted our weekly timetable (as detailed in the letter below dated 04.11.2020) to ensure minimal movement across all bubbles in school. This helps to reduce transmission risks around the building and helps to mitigate the risk for both staff and pupils. Also, staff only enter and exit the building through designated 'bubble' doors, they do not mix outside of their bubbles for administrative tasks or for lunch/beaks etc.
Do the children share any facilities with other bubbles?
The only time that children may meet a child (in school) from another bubble would be when going to the toilet. However, the toilets are monitored by staff to avoid pupils meeting other 'bubbles' at this time and the children wash their hands before and after going to the toilet.
Can siblings attend if another bubble has been sent home?
If we send a class home due to a positive test in school it is because they are classed as a 'direct contact' with that case. Our systems in school mean that the sibling, in another class, should not have had contact with that case and so, whilst the members of their family remain asymptomatic, the sibling does not need to stay home.
What if I don't have the necessary technology to access blended learning?
If you do not have appropriate technology at home or your WIFI is an issue, please contact us at school and we will do our best to help you with this issue.
UPDATED 10.09.2020
When will we start to receive homework?
Our first wave of home learning activities starts on Friday 11 September when the children will be bringing home their new 'Learning Beyond the Classroom' activity books. There is more information to help answer this question on the 'Latest News' page of the website. We are busy baseline assessing the children in class and will soon be able to start sending accurate reading books home too. To do this well and accurately can take a little time so please bear with us!
What happens to my child's learning if they have to isolate or we go into another lockdown?
Our teaching staff have already received their first session on our revised approach to 'blended learning' this week and we will be following up with further training and guidance in staff training sessions next week and beyond. This will mean that learning, feedback and progress continue for your children throughout the academic year.
UPDATED: 04.09.2020
Are packed lunch bags ok to use?
Yes. You can send your child's lunch in a packed lunch bag/box.
UPDATED: 03.09.2020
What if my child has a cough or a cold?
The NHS advises that if a child has mild cold-like symptoms they should continue to go to school. Sore throats and blocked or runny noses are not symptoms of coronavirus.
However, if your child also has a new continuous cough or a fever, or a loss of - or change in - their sense of smell or taste, they may have coronavirus. Your child should stay at home, isolate for at least 10 days and be tested.
UPDATED: 02.09.2020
Can my child bring their coat to school?
Yes. Whilst we ask that you try to limit the amount of things they bring, they can of course wear appropriate clothing for the weather as Autumn and Winter approach.
When is school open for the children?
We will be welcoming the children back to school on Wednesday 9 September. We have two staff training days that week (7 & 8 September) to ensure that all staff are ready for the procedures and regulations in place in school. We have issued all staff with a guidance handbook in advance of the training. If you would like to read this document, it is attached below.
Will my child still be in a 'bubble'?
Yes. Guidance for group size has increased since the summer term and now their 'bubble' will be their whole class. In EYFS, to ensure full provision, the 'bubble' is both FS1 and FS2. The 'bubbles' will be kept separate throughout the day when and wherever possible.
What can they bring to school with them?
Please send your child to school with their book bag, their PE kit and a water bottle. We will provide all stationery required on an individual basis. Please do not send your child to school with any toys.
Do they have to wear school uniform?
Yes. We communicated our uniform expectations to families in July and provided further clarification when requested. To read this again, please click here.
Are parents allowed on to the school site?
We are operating a restricted visitor policy on site this Autumn. Where possible, all meetings/conversations will happen via a phone call. Parents will be allowed on site (via the one-way system) at the allotted times for morning drop offs and afternoon collections.
Will there be a staggered start and end to the day?
Yes. As mentioned above, we have a staggered start and end of the day for the safety of everyone so that social distancing measures can be maintained. We wrote to all parents in July with more details of this and a map of the site. If you would like to access this letter again - it is available at the foot of this page.
Will play and lunch times be staggered?
Yes. To ensure that the classes do not mix and risk 'popping their bubble' we have altered our daily timetables significantly to ensure staggered play and lunch times are sufficiently staffed and resourced.
Will school lunches be available?
Yes. Our kitchen will be open from Wednesday 9 September. To view menus and order lunch for your child - please download and use the School Gateway app. You can now place orders for the first week. If you wish to send a packed lunch, please send lunches in a lunch bag/box, this will need to be taken home at the end of each day.
Will the Out of School Club be running?
We have changed our provider for our out of school club and are in the final stages of preparation now. More details will be sent out as soon as we have them.
What can we do to help the school?
TCAT have produced an infographic with further advice for you to read. It is attached below. There is also some helpful advice to be found here.