This week in Year 4, we have shown kindness by supporting each other in the dance, at breaktimes and when we have found work tricky in class.
This week in Year 4, we have shown courage by taking part in the dance performances in front of the school and our families. It took a lot of courage to stand up and perform in front of people even if dancing was not our favourite thing to do.
This week in Year 4, we have shown curiosity by learning about all different types of mythical beasts for our own versions of a Beowulf story. In Maths, we have also shown curiosity by asking questions about different pictograms, bar charts and line graphs.
Next week, we will be looking at how Roman inventions have influenced the current world we live in as well as looking at who the Vikings were and if they were more successful invaders than the Romans. We will be completing our Beowulf stories in writing and moving onto Properties of Shape in Maths.