This week in Year 4, we have shown kindness by asking others to join our games when we are playing outside. We have also shown kindness by volunteering to be in goal when no-one else wanted to. We have also let people have turns before we do when playing games. We have looked after people when they were cold, hurt or upset.
This week in Year 4, we have shown courage by being brave when we hurt ourselves at play time. We have shown courage when attempting our times table test on Purple Mash. We have also shown courage when we have done our Rapid Recall test in 2 minutes, especially if it is a new one. We have also been brave when we have played Marco Polo at play time, because you have to close your eyes and trust the other players that are playing.
This week in Year 4, we have shown curiosity by exploring a new maths game called Rekenek. We have been curious about the INVAC procedure that we practised at school today (Friday). We are also curious about what we are learning next week.
Next week, we will be looking … Computing.