This week in Year 4, we have shown kindness by helping Mrs Burman when she was in our classroom, by being sensible. We have helped each other do research on the laptops, sharing ideas and information.
This week in Year 4, we have shown courage in our writing, using prepositional phrases, subordinate conjunctions and brackets for extra information. We have also been brave when trying to research things about different Saints and trying to do it on our own. We have tried something new in Maths and have shown courage trying it. Sometimes something new can be a bit scary. We have been brave in Art too, by trying to paint like Monet in the style of an impressionist. In Maths, we have been multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit and this was tricky – we needed to be really brave to give it a go.
This week in Year 4, we have shown curiosity by finding out what we were doing this week, as it was a surprise.
Next week our focus will be Art, especially ‘Impressionism’ and the life of ‘Claude Monet’.