
This week in class we have been asking....

What is needed to write a newspaper report? What are the different units of time and how do we convert between them? When and where did the Romans live? Who were the different Romans and what did their role mean? Who ruled Romans and did this change? What do we mean by the term ‘Orbits’ and how does this work in our solar system? How can art be used to reflect where we stand and our own world views? How do you use an electronic database? What is the most effective way to use the ‘search’ function in a database?

Our 'Flash Back 4' questions were...

Today: How many weeks are there in 154 days?

This/last week: What is missing from this list: Universe, _______, Stars, _________ _________, Sun?

This term: What is needed to make a database?

Last term: What is the difference between a regular and irregular polygon?

Next week we will be asking....

What different skills will I need to help me perform drama scenes? Can I show resilience when working through a set of tests? Do I know the difference between body image and self-image? Can I turn negative thoughts I might have about myself into positives? What happens to the Earth so we can have day and night? Can I use art skills to show different religious and worldviews? What did the Romans believe in and is it similar to my beliefs? Why is it important to be able to compare different types of data?

Our spelling rule after half term will be ‘t’ including words such as …..

committee, definite, dentist, doubtful, interrupt, knot, temperature, triangle, trident, twelfth

Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is …..

Maths - Pythagoras

REMEMBER: PE is every Monday and Tuesday