
This week in class we have been asking....

What do I need to remember to ensure my narrative writing is balanced? How many words per minute can I read? Can I find equivalent fractions and simplify them? What is the difference between ordering fractions by denominator to ordering them by numerator? What clay skills will I need to use when making my figure sculpture? What ‘Reading’ do I do every day?

Next term we will be asking....

How do you write newspaper reports, balanced arguments and explanatory texts? What are the skills needed to help add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions? Can times tables help find fractions of amounts? How do you create a website? What can we do to improve the environment? What are circuit symbols and diagrams? How do series circuits work? Can street foods be a healthier option? Are religion and science in conflict? How are people ‘different’?

Our spelling rule for the first week after half-term will be -tion, -ssion, -sion and –cian suffixes including:

beautician, confusion, creation, division, donation, electrician, emotion, expression, hesitation, magician, motion, permission, politician, possession, submission, transmission

Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is …..

History (Year 6) https://www.keyinghamprimaryschool.co.uk/attachments/download.asp?file=594&type=pdf

REMEMBER: PE is every Monday and Thursday