
This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by showing respect to each other with our answers in Reading. We were looking at the lyrics to ‘Titanium’ by Sia and it was quite tricky, so our kindness was welcomed by each other when we helped each other out.

This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by having a go at a new song in Music on the Ukuleles. We attempted to have our first go at playing ‘Lean on me’ as we thought this song was suitable for Children’s Mental Health week and we gave it our best shot.

This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by always having a eager approach to asking questions in all lessons as we all want to increase our knowledge and understanding. This has also been apparent during our ‘Read all about it’ sessions as we like to discuss and understand more about the different news stories.

Next week, we will be having a well-deserved rest and getting ourselves ready for the next half-term!