
This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by all helping our visitors today (Friday) planting new trees on the school field and listened well when they were teaching about the Stone Age. We also proved how kind and sensible we can be when we showed good behaviour whilst on our trip at Hessle High School and in town.

This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by using all of the skills we have learnt in Art when we went to Hessle High School to sketch the Georgian part of their school (Tranby House) and making sure we took our time. We were also courageous when we then headed into town to walk around the Georgian features of Old Town when the rain came down. We did not grumble and happily got back on the bus and finished the trip ‘virtually’ at school.

This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by taking part in a class discussion linked to the school council. We had to rate ourselves Red, Amber or Green linked to a number of different areas such as: Respect, Courage and Curiosity.

Next week, we will be completing our piece of writing: A diary of an African Safari. In Reading, we will be looking at the song ‘Alive’ by Sia. In Maths, we are moving onto our unit on Decimals and Percentages. In the afternoons, we will be finishing our Jigsaw unit on ‘Healthy Me’  by recapping on what we have learnt so far and creating a recipe for a ‘Healthy Body Image’. We will be spending several of the afternoons completing our double page spread on ‘Faith Founders’ from all of our RE work this term. We will also be working on Concept Maps in Computing and taking part in making a celebration card for the King’s coronation. This is on Thursday afternoon, at 2pm, in the hall. Please come along and join us if you can.