
This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by working hard for Miss Wilson during her time in our class – we showed her our kindness by creating lots of ‘different’ pieces of work on Purple Mash to try and make her smile.

This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by trying our hardest in the tests. They were quite tricky because they were end of Key Stage 2 tests, but we wanted to see how we got on with the work that we will be doing when we go into Year 6.

This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by working in DT on our food topic: Celebrating Culture and Seasonality. We learnt how to make pitta bread and a Greek salad.

Next week, we will be starting a new piece in Writing – a narrative using an animation as a stimulus. In Reading, we will be focusing on an extract from the book ‘Wonder’ and in Maths, we are continuing our work on angles and shapes. In the afternoons, we will be starting our work on reversible and irreversible changes in Science, looking at whereabouts in the world Alexander the Great’s empire was in Geography as well as our normal Dance and Rugby sessions.