
This week in class we have begun our preparation for SATs. They’ve worked incredibly hard this week and made a very positive start to the summer term.  We have been looking at angles in a variety of contexts.  We have also begun writing a narrative story.  This term’s history is Power, Empire and Democracy and we have begun looking at the British Empire.  We have also begun our Biology work on the functions of the human body and made an energetic start to our school production.

Next week, we will be studying co-ordinates in maths and writing some more of our narrative.  In History we will be asking what made the British Empire decline, continuing with our performance and again looking at the functions of the human body (specifically the heart and the circulatory system).

The spelling pattern for next is the sound ‘s’ and will include words like restaurant, necessary, secretary, specific, harass and incision.

Children are free to work on whichever graduate award takes their interest.

PE days are Monday's (Outside) and Wednesday's (inside Dance).