Year 4 News
Mrs Whiting
Hi, I am Mrs Whiting and I am the Year 4 teacher at Keyingham Primary School. I joined the Keyingham family in September 2021. I have 2 children who keep me very busy and if I find the time I enjoy running, music concerts and going to the theatre (which doesn’t happen a great deal now!). I don’t get the opportunity to read as much as I would like at the moment, other than with your amazing children in class, but a few years ago I came across the book ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy – a truly worthwhile read!
- 30/09/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by helping others when they needed it. This week in Year 2, we have shown courage by sticking with it when our maths work was tricky. This week in Year 2, we have shown curiosity asking questions like ‘what are the negative and positive consequ...Read Full Story - 23/09/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by showing support for our school council candidates. This week in Year 2, we have shown courage by asking for help when we needed it. This week in Year 2, we have shown curiosity by exploring our new school areas on the field (sandpit and outdoor cl...Read Full Story - 16/09/22
This week in Year 2, we have been reading ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. It’s a story about a girl called Floella, who travelled from Trinidad to Southampton with her family. This week in Year 2, we have been continuing to develop our partitioning skills and learning d...Read Full Story - 09/09/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by trying to make someone laugh, who was sad, helping someone up, who had fallen over and helping someone, who we saw struggling carrying books. This week in Year 2, we have shown curiosity by, wondering when someone’s tooth is going to fall out...Read Full Story - 08/07/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by supporting our friends who had fallen over by staying with them and making them feel better. This week in Year 2, we have shown courage by running at our fastest speed in sports day practice this afternoon. This week in Year 2, we have shown c...Read Full Story - 01/07/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by showing good team and encouraging each other during sports day practice yesterday. This week in Year 2, we have shown courage by trying our best to work independently and solve maths problems involving length using base 10 equipment and putting our...Read Full Story - 24/06/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by using our manners, saying please and thank you. This week in Year 2, we have shown courage by sharing our goals and what we want to get better at to our class. This week in Year 2, we have shown curiosity by asking questions about new vocabula...Read Full Story - 17/06/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by helping others up, who have fallen over, bringing in people’s belongings from outside, helping tidy up playtime and lunch time equipment and sharing our things. This week in Year 2, we have shown courage by trying new games outside at playtim...Read Full Story - 10/06/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by helping others who have hurt themselves at break and lunch. We also have been encouraging others to join in games when they have no one to play with and worked as a team in class. This week in Year 2, we have shown courage in phonics by trying to r...Read Full Story - 20/05/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by playing with the Year 1 class, moving people’s property so they don’t have to and helping someone who needed a first aider get to an adult. This week in Year 2, the digital leaders have got their new badges and have shown courage by put...Read Full Story - 13/05/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by helping people, who have hurt themselves at break times and giving someone a hug, who was upset. This week in Year 2, we have shown courage by reading challenging words and trying new things in Forest school. This week in Year 2, we have shown cur...Read Full Story - 06/05/22
This week in Year 2, we have shown kindness by helping people with their belongings, helping children, who had hurt themselves and helping adults move equipment. This week in Year 2, we have shown courage by preserving with maths work that was tricky, reading our writing work out loud to the class...Read Full Story