
This week in class we have been asking, “How is fire used to power trains?” We went to York Railway Museum and we looked at all the different trains and watched an experiment. We learned we need: heat, fuel and oxygen to make fire. When more oxygen was added, the demonstrator was able to make the fire bigger, or when she added a bigger heat source from the blow torch. In Wonderlab, we used a vacuum machine where we added fabric to a machine and it sucked it through a tube and out. We also made heat from friction, using an infer-red camera to measure how hot it got when we rubbed two surfaces together. We also learned new sign language for ‘fire’.

Our 'Flash Back 4' questions were:

  1. Friction and magnetism are two different types of forces. 
    Which is a contact force and which is non-contact force?
  2. What rituals do Muslims have before prayer?
  3. Ancient Greece had a democracy, whereas Ancient Egypt had autocracy. 
    How are these different?
  4. What is the outside line on a drawing called?

Next week, we will be asking, “Why do many Muslims fast during Ramadan?” and “What buildings can we find in Ancient Greece?”

Our spelling rule after half term is ‘s’ sounding words, such as: scripture, consider, intensify, democracy, sequence, exceed, discipline, fascinate, experience, purpose, police

Next week, our PE days are Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (Sports day)