
This week in class we have been asking: How do we draw 3d and 2d shapes? Should freedom include rules? What is bullying?

Our Flashback 4 questions have been:  How many sides does an octagon have? What are the 4 ways water leaves an animal’s body? Which of these places is furthest south? What is texture?

Next term we will be asking: How do we sort 2d shapes? Can we describe the life cycle of the butterfly? What is the story of exodus and how does it relate to freedom?

Our sounds next week will be ue, ie and au including words such as rescue, tie and astronaut.

Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is English focusing on Janet and Allan Ahlburg

Our PE days for next week are Monday and Wednesday.

Book Bags: please send your child with their books on a Monday to be changed for the week. Please read the book several times until they are fluent and no longer sounding out all the words