
This week in class we have been asking: In geography, what is a village, town and city? In Art, who was Paul Klee and what did his artwork look like? In music, what is the pulse? In RE, what does it mean to belong to something? In Jigsaw, how do I feel safe and special in my class? In Maths, what can I use to help me count to 10? In Writing, what does every sentence need at the start?

Our Flashback 4 Questions have been:

1. Today: In maths, how many is in the ten frame?

2. This/last week: How many days were you at school last week? What were the days called?

3.This term: In RE, what does it mean to belong to something?

4. Last term: In science, it was summer last term, how did you know?

Next week, we will be asking: what parts does a plant have in Science, what is a plan view in Geography, what does it mean to belong to the Christian faith in RE and World Views, what are the primary colours in Art, how can I use small and large body parts to balance in PE, where do I belong in PSHE through Jigsaw and what is technology in Computing.

In Phonics, some of us will continue to learn the Set 1 sounds and some of us are consolidating our learning of Set 2 sounds (see sounds mat in Reading Book Bag).

PE Days: Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their kit including footwear and that all earrings are removed on the morning of PE days