
This week in class we have been asking: In science, what parts does a plant have? What is a plan view? in Geography. What does it mean to belong to the Christian faith? in RE and World Views. What does mark-making look? like in Art. How can I use small and large body parts to balance? in PE. Where do I belong? in PSHE through Jigsaw and what is technology? in Computing.

Our Flashback 4 Questions have been:

1. Today: In maths, what do we mean by the word numeral? What numeral would we write for the ten frame?

2. This/last week: In RE, what special place did Danny belong to and why?

What do you belong to?

3.This term: In PE, what ‘s’ words did we use?

4. Last term: In Maths, where did you find this shape?

Next week, we will be asking: In art, what are the primary colours? In science, what are the different parts of a tree? In geography, how can I draw a plan view? In RE, what happens in a Christian baptism? In Maths, what is 1 more and 1 less than a number within 10?

In Phonics, some of us will continue to learn the Set 1 sounds and some of us are consolidating our learning of Set 2 sounds (see sounds mat in Reading Book Bag).

PE Days: Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their kit including footwear and that all earrings are removed on the morning of PE days.

Book Bags: please send your child with their books on a Monday to be changed for the week. Please read the book several times until they are fluent and not having to sound out all of the words.