Our Pathway Curriculum

Our Pathway Curriculum intent is to teach children how to be safe in school, how to be safe online, to prepare them for the wider world through exposure to different faiths, immersive experiences and an underpinning view of the world through British values. 

Our children have daily, weekly and termly opportunities to learn all that they need to prepare them for life in the modern world whilst taking with them our core values of Kindness, Courage and Curiosity. 

We map this learning across our curriculum using the following methods:


A comprehensive Programme for Primary PSHE including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work, giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.  With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

For more information, please click here to access the Jigsaw curriculum maps and here for further parent information.

In the second Summer half term, we focus in on the 'Changing Me' section of the RHE curriculum.  Our bespoke school mapping for this can be accessed here


A resource that enhances our curriculum with rich and diverse human stories.  Interactive worlds that allow children to see beyond our window and to explore and discuss situations unfamiliar to them.  They will understand diversity, respect, tolerance and see lives beyond their own.  We teach through the 'storyworlds' to enrich the children's learning throughout the year and also support their progress with regular 'LYFTA Time' assemblies.

To visit the website for this resource, please click here.

Forest School

Every child in Keyingham Primary School has weekly access to sessions with our fully trained Forest School Leader and a well planned curriculum that covers key aspects of the Science curriculum and the wider ranging outdoor learning that we value here in school.  We aim to ensure that our #KeyinghamKids learn more about the natural world, how to care for it and respect it, how to build upon it and how to survive in it so that they can be responsible and independent members of our community.

Pupil Leadership Charter

Through our Pupil Leadership Charter, our #KeyinghamKids are given multiple leadership opportunities as another tool to help them prepare for the future.  School councillors, play leaders, well-being ambassadors, eco-warriors and librarians all ensure that our pupils are integral to the leadership of the school and they feel valued, supported and confident.

Extra Curricular Clubs

A wide range of opportunities are on offer for our pupils.  Forest school, sport clubs, food tech, arts and craft, website development and studying for a graduate award extend the school curriculum to cater for individual interests and allow pupils to pursue more of what they love.

The Careers Mark Quality Award

Starting to raise aspirations and discuss every child's future at an early age is all about the BE MORE of our curriculum vision.  We take every opportunity we can to make sure that learning is linked to real life outcomes through key enquiry questions that frame learning in line with the CDI Framework.  The books we read, the trips we take, the visitors we welcome all have a career, a path or a story.  Archaeologists, vulcanologists, scientists, services, writers, programmers and many more will be explored and highlighted as examples of how to be aspirational and what you need to do to achieve your goals.  This year, we are working with our local cluster primary schools on achieving the Careers Mark Quality Award at Keyingham Primary.

The School Calendar

Children will have access to regular trips that enhance the curriculum experience, visiting historical sites and welcoming visitors in to our school.  Performances and overnight residential visits will offer new experiences to our young learners.  Respect for different faiths and an understanding and tolerance will be celebrated through weekly assemblies as well as RE lessons.  World views will be explored through these lessons and enriched through the experience.